Frequently Asked Questions

We receive many questions and inquiries about the care that Dr. Charfen provides in her physical location on the Big Island of Hawaii and through her telemedicine platform. Hopefully, this section will answer most of your questions, but please reach out via email once you have read this information if clarification is still needed.

Do you provide urgent care?

Yes. There are limited hours in which Dr. Charfen is available to provide urgent care with priority given to established clients. If you are in need of urgent medical attention, visit the portal system to request an appointment or please email or text 808-726-2461 to check availability and schedule a visit either in person or via the internet.

What urgent care conditions do you treat?

Common conditions that can be treated safely via the internet or in person are listed here.

Do you prescribe narcotics?

Yes, Dr. Charfen may prescribe narcotics but does so only on a limited basis. Some urgent conditions require acute pain management. However, she is not a pain management physician and does not fill chronic pain prescriptions. However, if you are in need of palliative treatment for an end-of-life illness and have not opted for hospice, she will take this into consideration during consultations.

Do you provide primary care?

Yes & No. Dr. Charfen reserves primary care needs for patients that are terminal or living with serious illness but have not established their own primary care. If you or a loved one is nearing the end-of-life and want to die at home but do not have a primary care provider, and you are not in hospice, then she is willing to be your primary care physician of record. 

Do you accept insurance?

Dr. Charfen can accept insurance only from Hawai’i residents at this time, but we’re working on adding more states soon. If you live in Hawai’i and are covered by Medicare or HMSA, you can use your insurance benefits as your plan allows.

Please note that only the medical intake appointments for ketamine treatments are covered by insurance – the actual medicine itself is not covered. Due to Federal regulations, medical cannabis certification is not covered by any insurance plan.

Dr. Charfen also accepts credit card payments via Square and Stripe.

Do you have regular office hours?

Office hours depend on Dr. Charfen’s travel schedule. Her current availability can be seen and appointments made on our dedicated patient portal. If you have difficulty with using the online option, then please call the office at 808-726-2461 or send us an email.

Do you work for hospice?

No. However, she is a huge advocate for the organization and refers many patients to hospice. Dr. Charfen is also a patient volunteer for North Hawaii Hospice and an end-of-life doula. To learn more about their services, please visit their website.

If I am in hospice can I still work with you?

Yes, you absolutely can! Dr. Charfen is always happy to work in collaboration with any hospice.

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