We will be showing inspiring films about Home Funerals. You will learn how the growing home funeral movement is changing how we care for our loved ones at the time of death. And, how participation in this beautiful and ancient ritual helps to provide deep healing and connection for those who love and care for them.
“Despite the rise in professional death care, it is and has always been legal in every state for families to care for their own loved ones at home from death to final disposition. Until the Civil War, funerals were family, church, and community affairs. The family washed and laid out the body, dressed or draped it, often with the help of a birth midwife and church members. Today there is renewed interest in reclaiming this right and privilege in ways that bring meaning and comfort to all. Families choosing home funerals express gratitude for the intimacy, connection, and sense of purpose that results from this organic and timeless practice. Taking the time out of our busy schedules to truly tend to the lives of those around us and be present to the loss begins the journey to healing.” —www.homefuneralalliance.org